Thursday, July 9, 2009

Leaving MTC soon for North Carolina!

I have really learned an incredible amount while here at the MTC. I have learned about diligence, charity, patience, faith, and many other things. You really learn to appreciate the gospel in here... I have had some good experiences at the Referral Center, trying to get people to see why they need the gospel. It gets me really excited to get out into North Carolina. And I have really gained an appreciation for the scriptures that I never had before. I love reading about Nephi, the son of Helaman. He was such a stud. I love the account in Helaman 5 of his ministry with his brother Lehi. They taught with so much power and authority that they were able to confound and ultimately convert pretty much the whole Lamanite nation. I want to be able to teach with that kind of power, although I know I've got a long way to go. I just want to do the best I can.

The 4th of July was an interesting day. I could hear the fireworks, and I could have gone out by the flags to watch them, but I was just too tired. Earlier the MTC put on this program that payed homage to the people involved in the Reformation, Revolution, and Restoration. It involved recordings of many people dressed up as historical figures from those eras, such as William Tyndale, Martin Luther, George Washington, etc. They tried to make it serious but it came off pretty cheesy. A few of them were pretty funny, even though the actors did not intend it. I almost died watching Benjamin Franklin - he was a chubby, bald man with the girliest wig that I've ever seen. The whole MTC thought it was pretty funny too. I felt bad about laughing, but it was just that funny.

This last Sunday was fast Sunday, and I enjoyed it very much. Because it was fast Sunday, we had a two-hour mission conference, and a branch sacrament meeting. Then we basically have the rest of the day to study. It's very nice…

We got our travel schedules and that is when we are flying out. Very excited about that, but it means that the next batch of mail should probably be sent to the mission office…I did get to go to the temple today for the first and only time, and it was really great. I love playing indoor volleyball in the gym, spiking it on everyone as usual…Being a missionary is great! I love you guys! I would love to write more, but I only have a minute left before it boots me off, so until next time!

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